Dianne Gleaton

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Dianne's beautiful  vest was stitched on black velveteen using designs from Jacobean Reflections and Madeira's Tanne Cotton, 30 wt for the filled areas, 50 wt for the linework. But, she says, 30wt could be used for both. She liked the finer look for the open work of the leaves etc. The patterns were set up in Stitch Bunny Pro's "Scene Builder" (for the Mac, by Mel Patrick). She played around with the different designs and created her own motifs. She suggests those with Embird can do a similar process in combining designs to make another design. "That's what I love about this set," she said--that she could create her own designs using our designs. All was done using the 4x4 hoop, so anyone could do this, with placement practice.

And now another of Dianne's projects! She wrote: "This is a pigment dyed sweatshirt, the fabric used is antique Kimono Silks. The embroideries from Oriental Reflections seemed to compliment the silks perfectly. My son's girlfriend was the recipient as a Christmas gift and she loved it!"  We can see why!

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